Welcome to Mother’s Day Weekend! We had a brand new Podcast recorded and ready to post, however, in listening back to it I realized that my microphone was not working and I sound like I’m talking from the bottom of the Grand Canyon.  

So instead of re-doing it, I decided to give my Podcasting partners, daughter Jackie and more importantly the mother of my six daughers, my wife Gail an early Mother’s Day Gift and NOT make them re-record the Podcast.

Okay…it’s not that I was that generous, it’s just that Jackie had plans and Gail and I are getting ready for our weekly “Date Night”. Speaking of which…I have to go now to make reservations for the 4pm Early Bird Special. (Tonight they’ve got all-you-can-eat green beans!)

We’ll be back next Friday with a “Post-Mother’s Day” Podcast…and look for a special surprise right here at dickpurtan.com on Sunday!


