It’s Friday and that can mean only one thing: Time for a brand spanking new Podcast! Today, my good friend and self-described “Observer AND Eccentric”, comedy writer Tom DeLisle, sits down with Jackie and me, to discuss the state of the entertainment world. From our obsession with recipe-reaction on Facebook to TV shows and movies with more “bang for your buck” than plot, we offer our observations on what has become an increasingly in-your-face life experience. We don’t go so far as to yell, “Hey you kids… get offa my lawn” but we do take a look at the “good old days” when things moved slower than the speed of light.  So make a cup of coffee (decaf, please) and join us as we rewind in attempt to help us all unwind.  

Have a great weekend! 


Purtan Podcast #34  (31:07)
