What a summer!  Great if you like hot weather and have air conditioning; otherwise, not so good.  My favorite part is the gentle summer evenings taking a car ride with the windows down and feeling that warm summer breeze while listening to my favorite Lady Gaga tune!  And when you’re feeling a little amorous, I especially recommend “Bad Romance”.   

 “I want your ugly, I want your disease

   I want your everything as long as it’s free…” 

If that doesn’t put you in the mood, I don’t know what will! 

Speaking of Lady Gaga…

Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tried to get the “don’t ask, don’t tell” ban on openly gay military members overturned by attaching it to a giant defense appropriations bill that would normally have passed easily.  But even after Lady Gaga appeared at a gay pride rally in a men’s suit to mock Senators who would oppose it, the bill was voted down 56 to 43.

Meanwhile Elton John showed up at another rally wearing a pair of Lady Gaga’s pumps with a sign reading, “Come on, ask!  I’ll tell!”

The Hoff is Off! 

Last night, David Hasselhoff became the first celebrity contestant to be voted off Dancing With The Stars, after just one disastrous cha-cha.  “The Hoff” said he was proud that his daughters got to see him make it even that far, and “It’s been a great ride”. 

Still, he was disappointed.  For the freestyle dance, he’d planned on writhing around on the floor trying to eat a cheeseburger while his partner danced around him with a camcorder. 

Admittedly, the dance wasn’t great.  But if you watch it in slow motion and squint your eyes, it’s almost like watching him in the opening of Baywatch! 

Even Kate Goselin said, “To be honest, I thought he was a little bit stiff”. 

Put This On Your Bucket List…

KFC is trying to get the attention of its young male target demo by paying female college students $500 to hand out coupons for it’s new “Double Down” Sandwich – which uses two fried chicken breasts for buns.  The co-eds will also wear tight sweatpants with “Double Down” emblazoned on their derrieres.  The president of NOW calls the move “obnoxious”.

Hey… at least they’re not wearing tops reading “Try our Biscuits” across their breasts!

The college men refer to these girls as “Kentucky Fried Chicks”.

Gentlemen… Start Your Pedals! 

Listen up Ford, GM and Chrysler:  The Learning Resource Network says that “Generation Y” doesn’t share previous generations’ love for cars.  Drivers age 21 to 30 now account for only 14% of all miles driven, down from 21% in 1995.  Why?  They would rather spend their money on computers, games, iPods and share rides or take mass transit.  Worst of all, many young people now see cars as a source of pollution, not as a status symbol or sex appeal enhancer. 

Why can’t it be all three?!

I can just hear it now, “He’s smart, handsome… and he has a Schwinn!”

Question:  Does the People Mover actually qualify as “mass transit”?

Hollywood has responded by announcing that in the next James Bond movie, he’ll trade in his souped up sports car for a pair of roller skates.

Here’s an idea:  Just introduce a vehicle called the iCar and they’ll wait in line all night just to buy one.


In case you missed yesterdays Facebook and Webpage postings, we gave you the “heads up” that Big Al WAS NOT going to be on last night’s premiere episode of ABC’s “Detroit 1-8-7”.  Al thought he was going to be on it until late Monday night.  How did he find out?  He went to the TV Guide Channel listings, read the plot outline for the show and realized it wasn’t his episode!!!

Someone’s Going to Chuck E. Cheese!

And it’s a big day for Birthday’s today… Debby “You Light Up My Life” Boone is 54… And the light of my daughter Jackie’s life, her son Charlie turns the big 9 today! 


Have a great day and we’ll see you right back here, on the first day of fall, tomorrow!

- Dick 



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