The obituary of an 81 year old Minnesota woman has gone viral - after her family gave a less-than-glowing summation of her life, saying that she got pregnant by her husband's brother, "abandoned" her kids and that quote, "the world is a better place without her". 

- FYI: Visitation and Grave-Stomping will be this Sunday from 1 to 4pm. 

- Say what you want, but her family sure knows how to put the "Fun" in "Funeral". 


The NY Post has confirmed that Dennis Rodman will be in Singapore for the big Trump/Kim Jong Un Summit next week... and may even play a role in the negotiations. 

- Think of him as Henry Kissinger in a wedding dress. 


Pancake lovers are flipping out over IHOP's announcement that, after 60 years, they're changing their name to the mysterious sounding "IHOb". The meaning of the "b" will be revealed next Monday. 

- My money is on "bypass". As in Heart "bypass" Surgery. 

- I'm okay with the name change... but if they try to mess with the "Rooty Tooty Fresh & Fruity" breakfast platter - count me out. 


A man in NY is suing CVS after one it's employees told his wife about his prescription for Viagra - which he paid for in cash and kept hidden from his bride. 

- His wife is up in arms and the man is just... well... UP. 


Simon Cowell claims he's much less "irritated and annoyed" since ten months ago he stopped constantly looking at his cell phone. 

- Imagine how much less "irritated and annoyed" he'd have been during "American Idol" if he'd only stopped looking at Paula Abdul.


Today the 6th of June.... On this fateful day in 1944, the U.S. and Allied Troops overcame incredible odds when they stormed the beaches of Normandy and started the path towards Victory in World War II. 

Have a great day... Thank a Veteran... and I'll see you back here Thursday! 
