For those of you who said you enjoyed the Official Wedding Photo of the Royal Family but thought someone was missing... here's an updated pic. (The kid's Official Title is "Duke Duke Duke Duke of Earl Earl Earl. Duke of Earl. Duke Duke. Duke of Earl"). 


Queen Elizabeth has sent her Private Assistant Secretary to Meghan Markle for 6 months... "to teach her how to be a Royal". 

- Things like how to do "The Wave" at Cricket games.


Caitlyn Jenner says "It's very tough to maintain a relationship with all her children" because "they've all moved on". 

- Basically they've cut Caitlyn off... then again, that's what Bruce did to himself to become Caitlyn in the first place. 


Robert De Niro, who has called President Trump "an F--ing Fool", says he wouldn't allow the Commander in Chief into any of his "Nobu" restaurants. 

- Trump responded on social media, demanding "You Tweetin' to me? You Tweetin' to ME???" 


Scientists at Syracuse University says research shows that people we meet use our first name to judge everything from our personality to our performance at work.

- For obvious reasons, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my Mom & Dad. NOT. 


The NFL says Players who kneel during the National Anthem next season will be fined... but gave them the option of staying in the locker room until the singing is over. 

- Except for the Lions who may as well stay in the locker room until the GAME is over. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Friday!
