An overly excited contestant knocked "The Price Is Right" host Drew Carey off the stage after correctly guessing the price of a Treadmill.

- The is the first time a game show host has been injured since Pat Sajak sprained his wrist giving The Wheel "a final spin". 

- She took the "Come on Down" line a little too seriously. 


A judge sentenced MSU gymnastic coach Larry Nassar to 40 to 175 years in prison for sexually abusing scores of young girls. 

- The way other prisoners treat predators like him, Nassar will be lucky to make it to lunch.


A woman is claiming that magician David Copperfield drugged and sexually assaulted her back in 1988. 

- I'm pretty sure if he can make the Statue of Liberty dissappear, he can make this go away. 


Cher took a swipe at WH Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders in a Tweet imploring her to "Stop dressing like a 'Sister Wife'" - a reference to the women who marry polygamists and wear "Little House on the Prairie" like clothing. 

- Hey Cher... at least Sarah WEARS clothing. 


Scientists hosting an outdoor conference in Davos, Switzerland on the dangers of Global Warming, found themselves nearly buried beneath 6 feet of snow yesterday.   

- Nice to see them shoveling something other than predictions about The End of The World. 


A cab driver in West Virginia turned in a man he unknowingly drove to and from a bank robbery after seeing the thief's pics on TV. 

- This is why you always take Uber to rob a bank! The driver won't turn you in, he'll just demand half the money you stole. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Friday! 
