A German Shepherd named "Rumor" took "Best in Show" honors at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show last night. 

- President Trump was pulling for what he called, "The stronger Border Collie".


Meanwhile Trump accused U.S. Intelligence Agencies of leaking classified info to the press "like candy" amid allegations that his campaign had ongoing contact with the Russians before Election Day. 

- Trump denies contact with the Russians, but then mistakenly tweeted that he was "Putin all his efforts into Making America Great Again". 


The New York Times reprimanded a reporter for calling First Lady Melania Trump a "Hooker". 

- From now on, the reporter will be required to refer to her as "The President's Escort". 


Colombian authorities estimate vast amounts of cocaine were smuggled out of their country in Valentine's Flowers, leading to women getting coke-laced bouquets.  

- Roses are Red, Violets are Blue... If your wife Snorted her flowers, She got one too!


Firefighters in Great Britain had to free 102 people from handcuffs due to a rise in "Fifty Shades of Grey" fantasies on Valentine's Day. 

- Proving that the Key to successfully using handcuffs during sexy-time is remembering where you put the Key. 


A study by the Champion Newspaper found that there are over 140 languages spoken in one Georgia school district. 

- And not one of them is English. 


Kim Jong-Un's half-brother was poisoned and killed by female assassins in Malaysia. 

- Nice to see KJU is giving more high level jobs to Women! 


REMINDER: Our 30th Annual 16-Hour Salvation Army Radiothon for the Bed & Bread Club is a week from Friday, Feb. 24th! This is the yearly event to raise funds to feed many thousands of people in Metro-Detroit, everyday - 365 days a year. It will be broadcast live from the Emagine Theater in Royal Oak all day on 760 WJR AM. I'll be doing the 6pm to 10pm portion, along with all of "Purtan's People". The donation line is open even now... Just call 248-528-0760 or go to salmich.org. 

Thanks so much and have a great day! 
