Good luck to the UofM Women's Softball Team in tonight's Winner-Take-All Title Game against Florida for the Women's College World Series Championship! 


NSA Whistle Blower Edward Snowden says it was worth it to become an International fugitive, never able to see his family again, and forced to live in Russia. 

- He claims it was important for Americans to realize the US government was spying on he now gets to go on shirtless horseback rides with Vladimir Putin. 


FDA Scientists are considering a new pill that claims to be "Viagra for Women". 

- Talk about a bunch of Stand Up guys! 

- Now if they can just figure out a comfortable way for women to swallow expensive jewelry. 


A Pew poll found that 61% of Millennials get their political news from Facebook. 

- Facebook is also the place they turn for important developments in where their fake friends are having dinner.   


An internal study by the Department of Homeland Security found that the TSA failed to spot weapons being sneaked onto planes 95% of the time. 

- On a happy note, TSA workers reported "immensely enjoying" invasive pat downs 100% of the time. 


A new brand of liquor is hitting shelves this week that's said to be inspired by the lives of porn stars. 

- Offerings include: "Absolut Tramp" and "No Wonder Jim's Beaming". 


According to scientists...Chimpanzees can understand the concept of cooking and are willing to postpone eating raw food, even carrying it a distance to cook it rather than eat it immediately.

- So yes it's official ladies, Chimpanzees are more civilized than your boyfriend. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Thursday! 
