The Red Wings are hoping to wrap up their series with Tampa Bay tonight at the Joe by winning Game 6 of the 7 game series. GO WINGS!!!


Buckingham Palace has confirmed Prince William & his wife Kate will break Royal tradition and announce the birth of their second child (due any minute now) via Twitter. 

- The old system was a puff of smoke appearing above the Royal wait... that's the Pope. 


A new study shows that one-third of babies between the age of 6 months and two years already spend up to an hour a day using smart phones and other high tech devices - even making calls on them. 

- If you get a call from a six month old and there's no one on the other end of the line, you can consider yourself "Rash On My Butt Dialed". 

- You can tell when a two-year old tweets because they use the hashtag #loadeddiaper.


British Medical Authorities are coming under fire for asking 75 year olds - even healthy ones - if they will sign a Do Not Resuscitate order. Critics say it's designed to speed up the deaths of the elderly population. 

- They got the idea from Prince Charles, who's been trying to get his Mum to sign one of those for YEARS. 


A new report says that a group of Russian hackers had access to President Obama's emails in 2014. 

- Now if we could just get them to take a crack at Hillary's email account and tell us what's in 'em. 


Rumors are swirling that NBC is asking Brian Williams to resign, as the network has uncovered at least 10 other lies that he told. 

- I think we can count on at least one more lie...when Brian claims he's "retiring to spend more time with his family". 


Over the weekend, three more women came forward to accuse Bill Cosby of drugging them. 

- Usually, the "Proof is in the Pudding"...but in Cosby's case, it's in a glass of wine. 


The Chinese government is banning the quaint practice of hiring strippers to dance at funerals. 

- Apparently it was taking too long to get the caskets shut.


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Tuesday!
