Welcome to the weekend and Podcast #174. Today my wife Gail joins Jackie and me at the Purtan Dining Room Table for a conversation including: 

- The fashion trend of SUPER pregnant women wearing SUPER tight maternity clothing. 

- The Womans' Conundrum: Sleeveless dresses and flabby arms. 

- Pasties vs. Pasties. (One is worn by strippers...the other you have for dinner)

- 1960's Surf Rock Music... including a quiz. 

- Surf Rock Movies. 

- How Surf Rock music influenced TV show Theme Songs. (Book 'em Dano!)

- And finally, my 3 year old Grandson Brayden, his 3 year old buddy, and a  pre-school bathroom story that they shared.  

So join us at the table as we surf through a ton of topics in Podcast #174. (27:15)

Have a great weekend and I'll see you back here Monday with my regular blog! 
