Today is "Worldwide Howl at the Moon Day". 

- It all started the first time Kanye West saw Kim Kardashian take her pants off. 


The Lions lost again yesterday bringing their record to 1-6. 

- "The Team That Never Fails To Disappoint". 


Donald Trump told a Florida crowd that "America will go to Hell" if Hillary Clinton is elected President. 

- And millions of illegal immigrants "will go to Mexico" if HE's elected President. 


The Secret Service suspended two agents who fell asleep on duty early last week. 

- They got tired waiting for Joe Biden to make up his mind. 


The iPod turns 14 this week. 

- So if your iPod "sleeps" all the time and refuses to do what you want, it's because it's a teenager now. 


Bill Cosby was seen walking the streets of New York City on Saturday. 

- He went to a broadway show. Apparently he had nothing to do since he'd run out of pills.  


A study by U of M  found that cheese is just as addictive as drugs. 

- answer to my Cheetos addiction. 


A Price Is Right model stumbled and fell during a showcase segment. 

- She got right back up, and in the spirit of Bob Barker, had her pets spayed and neutered immediately after the show. 


The Steve Jobs Biopic earned just $2.4 million in its first day of nationwide release. 

- Apple refers to it as the iFail. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Tuesday!
