It's Monday morning... 5 Purtan girls Happy, 1 Purtan girl Sad following MSU's last second victory over Michigan on a bobbled punt attempt. With Michigan leading 23-21 and ten seconds to go, it seemed like a done deal. But when the clock ran out on a play talked about this weekend all over the country, and that will be remembered in these parts for a long, long time, the Spartans ended up the victors. 

Congrats to MSU...and condolences to U of M. Both teams played a great game, and despite almost giving fans of both schools a heart attack, it was something we'll never forget. 


Oprah Winfrey announced that she's not only a member of Weight Watchers, but is now a member of the board and bought 10% of the company's stock. 

- And as a stock holder, she has the option to buy more "points" anytime she gets hungry. 


Hillary Clinton is being criticized for speaking in a Southern drawl again during her campaign speeches in the South. 

- Hillary was reportedly upset, but said "I'll think about that tomorrow. After all, tomorrow IS another day!"


On Friday, Astronaut Scott Kelly marked 383 days in space, which is more than any other American. 

- Except for Tom Cruise who actually LIVES in outer space and just teleports back to make movies. 


A current "Bunny" living at the Playboy Mansion claims that the place is rundown, that you're more likely to see nurses than scantily clad girls, and that 89 year old Hugh Hefner spends his nights playing chess. 

- Apparently the only action Hugh gets is when his Knight jumps the Rook to take the Queen. 


A survey revealed that U.S. teens are abandoning Facebook for  Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat - the app that lets you send a message to someone that disappears 10 seconds after you send it. 

- You may know it better by it's nickname: "Hillary Clinton's Emails". 


Lindsay Lohan posted on Instagram that she's going to run for President in 2020. 

- Kanye West is considering bowing out due to the intense competition. 


Angela Lansbury turned 90 on Sunday.

- But she's still working! Look for her new TV show "Metamucil, She Wrote". 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Tuesday!
