Former Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh, who resigned in Sept. amidst charges that he gave money and video games to an 18 year old boy in exchange for nude videos, has a new job! He's working as a waiter at a restaurant in NYC. 

- He works at a Chinese restaurant called "Sum Yung Guy".


Albany N.Y.'s first openly gay Bishop plans to divorce his husband after a 25-year relationship.  

- No word yet on who will get to keep the autographed picture of Liza Minnelli. 


80's heartthrob singer Rick Springfield says he's set to release a new single.

- It's called "I Wish That I Had Jessie's Girl's Good Cholesterol Numbers". 

- At his age, Rick, who got his start on "General Hospital" will probably be checking into General Hospital soon for a prostate issue. 


Coca Cola dropped an ingredient from it's Powerade sports drink that contained a flame retardant. 

- So from now on, when you you hear a guy at the gym say he can "really feel the burn", he's gonna mean it. 

- I enjoy a good flame retardant in my sports drink. It really helps with acid reflux. 


A study by Michigan State University found that obese adults have poorer memories than their skinnier counterparts. 

- This explains why Michael Moore can't remember what he had for lunch. 

- If skinny people have such great memories, how come Paris Hilton can't remember to put on underwear? 


The now former Mistress of Donald Sterling, V. Stiviano has sparked a fashion trend with the full face visor she wore to block the paparazzi. 

- It's the same visor she wore every time she had to have sex with Donald. 

- The visor comes in a rainbow of colors. Except black. 


Medical experts say that the Polar Vortex we experienced here in Michigan is going to lead to an extra tough allergy season. 

- Even though it's May 6th (my Dad's Birthday!) it seems to me the Polar Vortex still has it's arms wrapped around us. 


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Wednesday! 
