Find out what all the fuss is about with Mariah Carey at the bottom... But first, check out other news of the day...


During an interview on CNN, George W. Bush said that he really wants his brother Jeb to run for President in 2016, and that he believes Jeb would beat Hillary Clinton if the two were the candidates.  

- George thinks Jeb would beat the pants off her...along with her matching jacket. 

- And he should know since he's the "Decider-er".


President Obama was taken to the Walter Reed Hospital on Saturday after complaining of a sore throat. 

- It's lucky that the President had already signed up for Obamacare. 

- Joe Biden had a sore throat last week and all they did was send a Secret Service guy out to pick up a package of Smith Brothers Lozenges. 


Tiger Woods threw up in the bushes after getting sick at the Hero World Challenge. 

- He meant to throw up on the green, but he angled it a little to the their was a really strong wind. 


Miley Cyrus reported had a steamy make out session with Paris Hilton at a club in Miami. 

- Either that or Paris mistook Miley's "Twerking" for a seizure and tried to give her mouth-to-mouth recitation. 

- Paris is actually just like the inflatable props Miley usually makes out with...plastic and full of lots and lots of air.


A British man who weighed 980 pounds has died at the age of 44. 

- The only people happy about the news are the owners of his neighborhood "All You Can Eat Buffet". 


Leaked video of Mariah Carey singing wildly off-key at the the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting has gone viral. Here is her track...without the music...for your listening displeasure. This is what happens when you show up three hours late and miss the rehearsal...

Have a great day and I'll see you back here Tuesday! 
