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Joe Biden says there's a White House holiday policy that the President and Vice President do not exchange gifts. 

- Truth be told, Joe wasn't able to get on the website that sells the "World's Greatest Boss" coffee mugs. 

- The did announce a new Holiday Tradition this year...naming Edward Snowden as the White House Official "Secret Santa". 


It's estimated that Santa Claus will receive 8 Million traditional paper letters in the mail this year. 

- So basically 8 Million kids are "Going Postal" this month!


Doctors claim that if James Bond were real, he'd be an alcoholic, because his consumption of martinis on screen is four times the weekly recommended limit. 

- The news left Bond fans shaken...but not stirred. 

- Of course if James Bond were real, he also be on antibiotics 24/7 because of all the women he's slept with. 


North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un has executed his own Uncle because of allegations that he was a gambling, drug-addicted womanizer. 

- Looks like there's gonna be an extra spot at the Un Family dinner table come Christmas! 

- Kim Jong Un himself sticks to alcohol. He's famous for doing "shots". 


A Deerfield, Florida Wal-Mart employee was arrested for allegedly shooting up the parked car of a rival worker who'd beaten him out for "Employee of the Month". 

- He had enough for bail since he saved so much on the gun and ammo he bought before walking out to the parking lot. 


Oprah Winfrey says she never had kids because they would've ended up hating her because she was so career-driven.  

- I guess her kids would have preferred her to be more "Car-Pool Driven". 

- Bottom line: Changing diapers is not one of Oprah's "Favorite Things". 


RIP... Peter O'Toole, whose most famous role was as "Lawrence of Arabia", passed away this weekend at the age of 81. He was nominated for an Oscar 8 times but never won...except for a Lifetime Achievement Award two years ago. "Goodbye Mr. Chips..."

And Joan Fontaine, who won an Oscar for her performance in Alfred Hitchcock's "Suspicion", opposite Cary Grant, has also passed away. She was 92 and is survived by her sister, 97-year-old Olivia De Havilland, who played "Melanie" in GWTW.  


Have a great day and I'll see you back here Tuesday - One week from Christmas Eve! And don't forget Podcast #104 with special guest "Matinee Mindy" is up now! Just click here: Podcast #104
